Just A Fantasy

Today marks the last day of CNY...and I chose to stay at home whole day cos my feet was hurting (still is) from yesterday's game. It was quite bad in the morning. Totally no mood to do anything constructive so I got myself hooked to Korean drama, "My Girl".

The whole drama runs around the theme of deception. Deception covered up with noble intentions. Plenty of jealousy, secrets, misunderstandings, betrayal, malicious schemes to redeem unrequited love etc. Aiyo, drama eh...what do you expect?

If you use the logical mind to think about the whole thing, it's actually quite lame. They're all the same. Sigh...but millions of people allow themselves to be swept by episodes after episodes of emotional rollercoaster, fantasizing the possibilities of the scenarios happening in real life. Wah, cannot take it. A bit too 'chi-kek' for me. Makes me emo for nothing. Chey!

Tsk, tsk, tsk...I think it would be a long time before I indulge myself in this destructive and time consuming activity again. Cos before I knew it (ok lah, I was conscious and in control), I finished the whole series. I've abstained myself from buying series, but apparently it's going to take more of me not to borrow and watch it. Flee, flee and run far away. That's how it should be done.

Will there be a full moon tonight? I wonder how my friend is coping this round of stressful season. I miss my friend, again.


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