Staying Healthy

Yep, we did it again. Sandwiches for lunch again. Not just that, we even went for a game of tennis in the evening. We were so bad, that we were picking balls most of the time. I think most of our energy was expended from walking around the court to retrieve the balls and the painful laughter for missing the balls and bad serves. We were in stitches most of the time. Really cmi...

So that was exercise on the mouth, stomach and lungs. My feet are aching now. Aiyo...

After the game, a couple of us went to meet up with some ex-colleagues for a session of 'lou-hei' dinner at the 'zhi-cha' place opposite TP. Today's the 14th day of lunar new year.

At one point, I missed the frequent visits for supper with the band kids. Now, most of them are preparing for the semestral exams.

Wow, another academic year is coming to an end. Here's wishing everyone my best regards especially for those who are struggling and chionging late nights. May you always remain fresh mentally to remember all the things you have studied.

Take care, my dearly beloved...and I look forward to seeing all of you again very soon!


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