A Little Back-Tracking

Last night I watched a video posted by a church friend about America's Got Talent featuring this girl Jessica Price. What she said made me cry. Somehow it stirred up some emotion and reminded me of something that's taken away from me. The crying gave me puffy eyes when I woke up. But what made me stayed at home this morning was the headache that came with it.

Haiyah, stop dwelling in self-pity, can? But I think that's what a lot of people do - whine over things that they suffered. Sometimes I'm tempted to do it, and sometimes I actually indulge myself for a while. Perhaps it's ok to whine sometimes, just don't let it stop you from doing the more important things before you. Pity parties may help if the process and the pain make you learn from your past. But if you overdo it, you'll be more miserable and you make those around you miserable, too. Then it becomes counter effective.

It's easier said than done. But must try. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we may never know why it happens, and sometimes it's better not knowing, especially when knowing serves no greater purpose.

Anyway, I wanted to stay home the whole day. But my headache has subsided so I've decided that I should get back to the office and just apply for morning leave. Got lots of things to do.

Yesterday I had a slap-my-palm-on-my-forehead experience. Cos, I was driving to school when I realised that I forgot to bring the pot to return to the canteen stall auntie again. Bought something from her for Monday night's celebration and was supposed to return her on Tuesday. Told her I would bring the next day (Wed) and still forgot to bring. Aiyoh! Somemore the pot was left near the door. I must remember to bring later or else I can just bang my head on my office pillar. (For those who have been to my office you'd know why.)

Then in the evening, a few of my colleagues and I went to support our Chinese Orchestra performing at Esplanade Concourse. We managed to get our takeaways from Subway before heading there. I had the "Parmesan oregano foot long cold cut trio toasted with cheese all veg except onions and pickles, chipotle southwest". The combi was from an sms order I received from Kenneth quite a while back. That day I just showed the sms to the lady serving behind the counter cos I had no idea what it was about. She understood, of course. Being still a newbie to Subway, I decided to have a go at the same thing, with a little improv, and it turned out to be really nice. So I saved the sms for future reference and it came in handy yesterday. Haha...

And on Tuesday, I went with a couple of band comm members to Istana for a briefing cum site visit on our upcoming performance for its Open House on 1 Oct. Got to go through the Cavenagh Road gate, get my car checked, our bags checked, exchange our NRIC with a pass, then drive to a short but confusing route to another carpark. You won't expect to have road signs inside, I guess. So there were a couple of policemen directing in between...I'm sure they expected that people would get lost. The whole procedure was tedious but understandable. It was somewhat similar to what I've experienced during my fortnightly visit to Changi Prisons, just more organised and well-directed.

After we parked, still got to walk up this slope and climb some stairs to the outside of this building. Thank God we had to stop in some area to wait for the other school's reps to come before they would bring us into the building and to the meeting room. After the briefing we were buggied to the performance site. But before that I managed to use the washroom (I had to be escorted)...it looked like some hotel washroom. Well, that's not surprising considering where we are. But I kinda expected it to be more grand. I'm sure the ones where the President resides would have more posh and spacious washrooms. The building where we were was just one of the many. Apparently, that's the only area the public would be allowed to view its internal. Oh well...

As I was planning the schedule yesterday and considering the security checks and programme we need to follow, I told myself, the band members better comply to the timing, or else they'll be sacked for causing any delay. Erm...ok, that's a bit extreme lah...haha! But seriously, better be safe than sorry...need to preempt the members.

Ok, better get my butt out of the house.



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