Good Things Come In 2s

I remember I used to be a little obssessed with even numbers. Not so much for the digits, but that everything kinda need to balance out. Like if I tap my left foot, I would need to do the same with my right. It gets quite annoying sometimes because even the intensity of the action counts. Can't remember when I stopped this idiosyncratic behaviour. Can't figure out why either. Just know that I feel uneasy and feels incomplete when things are left lopsided.

Well, this evening I was convinced to go for a second dip. Well, it's nothing to do with my former peculiarity. Actually it was this follow up from yesterday's first experience that reminded me of my childhood obsession. Or maybe, just maybe, I still have a bit of that in me. Haha, I won't be surprised.

Whatever it is, I'm quite pleased with what I'm doing with my wheels. I hope to be able to make full use of it to do what I had wanted to do but lacked in motivation. I'm still in the process of getting used to it. Even the mention of it as mine feels a bit strange. Maybe I thought and talked about getting it for so long, the reality needs a bit of adjustments mentally.

So this healthy lifestyle thing is still happening. Tomorrow me and my other 2 colleagues are back to sandwich lunch again. Last week I only had it for 2 afternoons because I went on 1.5-day urgent leave after the tennis game. We thought perhaps we could do badminton tomorrow for the staff fitness programme. See how lah, cos I've already made appointment to have dinner at my sister's. Maybe can have a night dip there. Yoohoo!!!

Well, tomorrow's freedom day for quite many students, it seems, who are taking their last paper for the semester... for the year, actually. One student came to look for my colleague and mildly exclaimed that he has graduated today. He had his last paper for his course today. And yes, he's that confident that he would pass. He maintained a maxed GPA, and it's not like him to be obnoxious. So I was truly, and even confidently happy for his sure completion.

I'm gonna really miss a few of mine who would also be graduating this year. Seeing them in their gown with their transcript folder in their hand, happily taking photos with their family, lecturers, friends... Usually, the ones that you would see and go "awww..." are the guys who comes with darker skin and well 'razored' head. The impact was greater when we didn't used to have graduation attire, cos they would come in their SAF uniform, distinctive from the rest in formal wear.

Well, whatever the graduands come in, the ceremony officially marks the completion of their poly chapter and a beginning of another. An achievement, a milestone, a stepping stone... to each his own.

Hmmm... a strange ending for how it began...


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