One Stalk of Flower

Ok ok... 15 more minutes, and it will all go away. Usually they would stop by 11pm (legal blasting time limit).

8th storey...and I can still hear the music. And it started since before 9pm...

Out of tune, off beat, English don't sound like English, traditional teochew song also got techno rhythm. Last time Cheng Shucheng (TCS veteran actor) can sing better. Haha, last time I used to listen to him, on cassette! Haha!

But I must say, their sound system quite good. At least you can still hear the singer...not just the instrumentalists. The singer also quite power...can 'dong' (endure) for so long. Got good stamina, man. Good vibrato also. I know why the neighbours around my campus would complain when we hold our outdoor jam & hop.

Well, I'm sure there's market for the kind of genre. I can use some grace and be more tolerant, I suppose. Ok ok...5 more minutes! Now they singing <一朵小花> (direct translation - "One Stalk of Flower").


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