
Dol-awass-eo • Back

I think that’s what it means la. Act cool only. 😂 

This picture's got nothing to do with this post, but I happy just want to put it here la...#tb27032023

Context: Today my bff reminded me that a while back she asked me to revive my blog and start writing again.

So here I am, sitting in McD thumbing my comeback essay (eee…this word still brings the shivers) which could even be my last since I seriously don’t know where I’m heading with this. But one thing I can say though, the tagline of my blog still stands. Bandaged to be able to leave my heart. Not trying to be emo but it’s the truth. One type of bandage recommended by my bff is called “Manage Myself”. This includes not expecting to change others but managing my own expectation of how others can/should change.

I haven’t read my previous posts since I last wrote (Dec 2016) but I vaguely remember one such emo post where I mentioned about less expectation = less pain. I can’t recall what caused me to write something like that but if I know myself well enough, it was probably because of me being hurt by someone I had held close to my heart or with high enough regard. I think I might just go dig up that post for a read. At worst I’d cringe but who knows, I might find healing and learn from mistakes made.

That CS Lewis quote is still one of my favourites to date so it’ll stay too.

Then I suppose not much about me has changed as far as my general perspective in life as represented by my blog name and quotes. Can’t run away from people and relationships even if I want to. It’s the “family business” I’m bound to.


At this juncture, I’m still not fully convinced that there’s a point to following through with my comeback. I mean there are so many other avenues, both private and public, to notate my thoughts. Got people read meh? Don’t judge me but isn’t it kinda lame to write on a public platform if no one is reading it?

That being said, for the past 40 mins, I have to admit that it felt somewhat therapeutic to blog on public space to people not in my social media circle. I mean, by now, except for my bff, I don’t think anyone else who follows me on social media knows I have this blog.

Connecting with strangers, writing with no need to hide (in an obvious manner) between the lines…doesn’t that sound liberating?


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