Source Of Everything

Cell had potluck today (Fri, 15 Feb). Alright, we have to call it potbless...cos we don't believe in luck mah. So make a guess on the alternate name for lucky draw, haha...sometimes the point we try to make :P

So each person brought something, and I bought 4 portions of our Salad Bar's grilled dory fillet with lemon butter sauce. As expected, it was the first to be emptied.

After everyone had their fill, we had a short time of worship. One of the songs we sang just now was "People Need The Lord" (embedded here). This is a super old song that used to be a must-have during Christmas outreach. I remembered doing duet a few times at Orchard Road before. Those were the days...

Anyway, at first it seemed like an inappropriate song for worship, since the targeted audience from the way the words were written is apparently not towards God. However, as I was singing, I'm reminded about how much people truly need the Lord. I need the Lord. Without Him, I am nothing. So if in anything we do, Jesus is not in it, then we labour in vain. He is the Source of Life. Being apart from Him just makes all that we do meaningless.

Sometimes it's easy to forget and we leave God out of the picture in the many aspects of our life - depending on our own strength, merely satisfying our fleshly desires. Are we too eager to become self-sufficient and independent? It's important that we have excellence in all that we do because it glorifies our Father in heaven. Just be sure not to leave Him out of the equation in the process.

So here's the song. I hope you'd allow the words to minister to your soul and let God into your life where it matters.

By Steve Green
Performed by Avalon

Everyday they pass me by
I can see it in their eyes
Empty people filled with care
Headed who knows where

On they go through private pain
Living fear to fear
Laughter hides their silent cries
Only Jesus hears

People need the Lord
People need the Lord
At the end of broken dreams
He's the open door
People need the Lord
People need the Lord
When will we realize
People need the Lord

We are called to take His light
To a world where wrong seems right
What could be too great a cost
For sharing Life with one who's lost

Through His love our hearts can feel
All the grief they bear
They must hear the Words of Life
Only we can share

People need the Lord
People need the Lord
At the end of broken dreams
He's the open door
People need the Lord
People need the Lord
When will we realise
That we must give our lives
For people need the Lord

People need the Lord


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