All Ready To Go

Yep, all items checked and ready to go!

Just when I was about to shut down my PC, my brother-in-law msn-invited me to his house for dinner. I have no meetings tonight, so I thought, why not? So I arranged to pick up my sister from Lobby D and we went to her house together. The power of wheels! Yay!

Dinner was good. My brother-in-law served their homemade (actually made by his sister lah) hakka yong tau foo. Wah, got oysters the size of two fifty-cent coins - big and spread with a layer of seasoned minced pork. And the soup... on ya, I da bao some soup back...better go put it in the fridge first... oh no! It's in the trunk! Ok, brb!

Phew...thank God I remembered. Otherwise, the soup's gonna stink the whole trunk. Ya, it's that potent.

So before I left, I can't remember what we said but I suddenly remembered...hey, I can borrow their cooler box! Yep, and so now, I'm well-equipped for my picnic.

Wah! Can't wait, man!!!

PS: Tonight's crescent has a smile on it. Can you see it? We're living underneath the same big sky...


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