
First swim for the year.

Can't even remember when was the last time I took a dip in the water. So much have changed at the swimming complex. The bathroom looked newly renovated.

I confess that I felt a bit cheated when I reached the pool. SO MANY PEOPLE!!! Aren't these people supposed to be studying for their exams??? Can't even see an empty lane lah! Haha... mountain out of a mole hill. But it's true. The traffic was so heavy you have to stop after every lap to make sure the next one won't end up in a collision with oncoming swimmers.

It's dumb thinking back how much went through my mind just to convince myself to go. So much courage was needed to tell myself... "Aiyah, let them think what they want. They're not the one living my life." Truly, it's a season of dealing with insecurities.

I'm so glad I went. Everything felt so familiar as I glide across the length of the pool. Looking down the 4m depth near the end of my first lap was like so serene - can't hear much when your ears are underwater. It's like floating in mid air.

Having said all, first lap and I felt that my arm muscles working. I totally can foresee the ache-attacks tomorrow morning. After 10 laps, I couldn't even lift up my arms for 5 seconds to wash my hair. I was still thinking of going to my sister's condo pool to swim when she invited me in the afternoon for dinner this Wednesday. By the look of it, I think I'd just settle for dinner.

I think evening time is still a better option to swim. No sun's ray to damage the skin (also means no need for sunblock), and I can even drive straight home from the complex and avoid having to walk back to the office if I were to do it at lunch time. Cannot take own sweet time to bathe also.

Aiyah, don't say so much. Don't even know when would be the next visit. Feel slightly worn out. Tsk, tsk, tsk... 10 laps only and I'm drained. Old liao, old liao!

Well, I hope at least I'd get a good sleep tonight. *Yawn*


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