Lazy Afternoon

Third day. No, not the Christian Contemporary group, it's the 3rd day of CNY.

Went visiting in the afternoon, drop a couple of people off on the way to my big aunt's house. Can't wish her happy new year due to her recent demise. Just greeted her with the usual, yet unique greetings, "zou san" (good morning in cantonese) and "hou lai lou" (the rain has come, in teochew). Don't know how these 2 phrases come about but I've been saying that whenever I see her, rain or shine, night or day.

Now I'm just lazing on my bed, typing these words on my notebook. Was chased out of my comfy leather klippan sofa in the living room because my mom wanted to watch the 4.30pm TV drama. I was watching The Queen before she 'barged' into my space. Haha...oh, well, it's on DVD, can resume later.

The character of Queen Elizabeth at the prevailing theme of the death and funeral of the late Diana reminded me of a behaviour which I had previously referred from C S Lewis' quote - behaving unaffectedly, something that we would do worst when we try hardest to do.

Any thoughts?

Well, I'll continue on this topic another time...feel like napping. ZZZzzzz...


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