I Miss My Friend

Again I miss you.

Perhaps you may never (get to) know the yearnings in my heart - those that I can only keep to myself. Yet I want so much for you to know. It's like a little child, so eager to run to her father to tell him everything. Well, actually, I wouldn't know how that feels. But I imagine the excitement to share with someone special with that need to be apprehended.

I have so much to tell you. Not that you need to know. Why, I'm not even sure if you'd be interested. Many things with you seems to be on a need-to basis. I have so much I want to know about you. Sometimes you just seem so cold in your response. So minimal. Sometimes nothing... it just makes my heart ache.

But I've learnt to take it in, lay it down, and let it go - my affections. I've learnt not to insist for more and take it at your pace, your style - takes quite an effort to hold back. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Sense and sensibility. It's a dilemma.

As C S Lewis put it, "Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken..." Ever since our paths crossed, keeping my heart intact no longer remain an option.

What should I put in my 12 disc-changer?


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