
Wah, my shoulders and arms feel like they're on fire. All thanks to the 3rd dip today, this time under the hot afternoon sun. The redness seemed to have developed slowly. Didn't feel it at first, till this evening at my sister's. Played another short round of tennis in the evening. The sun was still up too. Hmmm... I think it got worse then. But the 'burn' marks confirmed that they're from the swim. Only God knows how many cells I killed today. Ouch! Oohhh!!!

After this afternoon's experience, I've decided that it's really not worth exercising during lunch on a work day. Plus I don't really like the feel of sunblock lotion on my skin (which explains the redness). Moreover, perspiring immediately after shower kinda waste the effort totally. In this aspect, and at this stage, I think I should insist on having it stress-free to keep my motivation alive!


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