Yesterday...why am I always writing about yesterday? Well, perhaps because I've not been able to get home before midnight. So since I'm starting this entry before 0000 hrs, you bet your dollars I'm going to write about today. Even if it's a short one.
But, yesterday was an eventful day, too. So, why not?!
Well, my day started early yesterday because my Choir is rostered for Praise & Worship for 1st and 2nd Services. Reached Church at 7am, did about 10 minutes of vocal warm up and proceeded to join the band for rehearsal. Conducting the Choir is quite fun. It's
1) a form of expression of the songs
2) physical exercise under the spotlight = perspire a lot, a lot
3) testing my patience when the singers don't look at me
4) testing my patience when the worship leader don't give enough notice for instructions and I give the signal...just laugh it off with the Choir
5) building of confidence with the on-the-job training in conducting...a bit cmi
Dear Pastor Yang preached about High Places, which refer to 'idols' in our lives that we give higher place to as compared to God. So these idols do not necessarily mean literally other gods we worship as another religion. It can be anything that we love more than God against His commandment that we should worship no other and to love Him with our whole being.
Jing Ting came for 2nd so after that we went for lunch with the cell group. She knows a few of my cell group mates cos we went to watch SSO at Botanic Gardens together before. We headed home right after lunch, as she kept me company while I beautify my schedule book with representations of fond memories. After that therapeutic session, I went to Suntec for dinner with Jas and Ben. Finally, our plan to eat buffet happened. We had it at Kui-shinbo. The food was so-so. But the company was what mattered most. Thanks for the treat!
The dinner would have been perfect though, if not for the irritating, cheesy commercial jingle. Goes something like this, "Dong, dong, dong. 1-2-3. We are Kui-shinbo" Aiyoh...they played that everytime the lobsters are out for grabs. I just 'diao' everytime I hear it. It happened 3 times within the duration we were there. Such a turn-off lah!
And oh...I bought a small set of tiles in unique black at one of those carts at Suntec. Quite cool. Will use it for our next game at home. Just couldn't resist the cuteness and novelty. Most of all, the fun I have with the khakis I play with.
Anyway, was so stuffed by the end of dinner that I decided to walk it off after we parted. Still got sometime before I meet up with Kenneth at the usual place. Walked about within Suntec and then to Esplanade. Was sitting by the bay when I saw that the NDP stage area was doing lighting test. So beautiful!

NDP Stage Lighting Test (Portrait)

NDP Stage Lighting Test (Portrait-Negative) - trying to be artistic

NDP Stage Lighting Test (Landscape)

Float Hanging Right In Front Of Me...getting bored

Trees By The Side
Went lunch with Fayeruz today. We drove to eat Burger King at TM - some craving lah. But it was an enjoyable lunch. Left almost on the dot today cos got Worship Ministry Prayer Meeting this evening. I returned call to Kenneth and he asked if I wanted them to wait for me. I didn't mind and so off I went to MacD at TWCC.
People must be thinking that I'm crazy to cab all the way pass where I stay to join a group of students for supper, when I was not going to eat in the first place. This thought came to my mind as I was walking towards MacD. The only justifications I could give myself was - I was asked, I enjoy the company, and it was still early. Well, I may not get to see them so often soon.
Oh, oh,'s confirmed. My clarinetting has improved. Endorsed by my 'Cher! Hur hur... Feel my joy? Yipee!! Yoohoo!!!
But, yesterday was an eventful day, too. So, why not?!
Well, my day started early yesterday because my Choir is rostered for Praise & Worship for 1st and 2nd Services. Reached Church at 7am, did about 10 minutes of vocal warm up and proceeded to join the band for rehearsal. Conducting the Choir is quite fun. It's
1) a form of expression of the songs
2) physical exercise under the spotlight = perspire a lot, a lot
3) testing my patience when the singers don't look at me
4) testing my patience when the worship leader don't give enough notice for instructions and I give the signal...just laugh it off with the Choir
5) building of confidence with the on-the-job training in conducting...a bit cmi
Dear Pastor Yang preached about High Places, which refer to 'idols' in our lives that we give higher place to as compared to God. So these idols do not necessarily mean literally other gods we worship as another religion. It can be anything that we love more than God against His commandment that we should worship no other and to love Him with our whole being.
Jing Ting came for 2nd so after that we went for lunch with the cell group. She knows a few of my cell group mates cos we went to watch SSO at Botanic Gardens together before. We headed home right after lunch, as she kept me company while I beautify my schedule book with representations of fond memories. After that therapeutic session, I went to Suntec for dinner with Jas and Ben. Finally, our plan to eat buffet happened. We had it at Kui-shinbo. The food was so-so. But the company was what mattered most. Thanks for the treat!
The dinner would have been perfect though, if not for the irritating, cheesy commercial jingle. Goes something like this, "Dong, dong, dong. 1-2-3. We are Kui-shinbo" Aiyoh...they played that everytime the lobsters are out for grabs. I just 'diao' everytime I hear it. It happened 3 times within the duration we were there. Such a turn-off lah!
And oh...I bought a small set of tiles in unique black at one of those carts at Suntec. Quite cool. Will use it for our next game at home. Just couldn't resist the cuteness and novelty. Most of all, the fun I have with the khakis I play with.
Anyway, was so stuffed by the end of dinner that I decided to walk it off after we parted. Still got sometime before I meet up with Kenneth at the usual place. Walked about within Suntec and then to Esplanade. Was sitting by the bay when I saw that the NDP stage area was doing lighting test. So beautiful!
NDP Stage Lighting Test (Portrait)
NDP Stage Lighting Test (Portrait-Negative) - trying to be artistic
NDP Stage Lighting Test (Landscape)
Float Hanging Right In Front Of Me...getting bored
Trees By The Side
Went lunch with Fayeruz today. We drove to eat Burger King at TM - some craving lah. But it was an enjoyable lunch. Left almost on the dot today cos got Worship Ministry Prayer Meeting this evening. I returned call to Kenneth and he asked if I wanted them to wait for me. I didn't mind and so off I went to MacD at TWCC.
People must be thinking that I'm crazy to cab all the way pass where I stay to join a group of students for supper, when I was not going to eat in the first place. This thought came to my mind as I was walking towards MacD. The only justifications I could give myself was - I was asked, I enjoy the company, and it was still early. Well, I may not get to see them so often soon.
Oh, oh,'s confirmed. My clarinetting has improved. Endorsed by my 'Cher! Hur hur... Feel my joy? Yipee!! Yoohoo!!!