Father Me

One of my favourite songs about two decades ago was this - Father Me.

The lyrics tells me a lot about what my Abba Father has done, is doing and would do for me. Singing this song fills me up with gratitude for who God is to me. The title of the song itself appealed to me then, perhaps because that was, and has been, what I longed for. Without realizing it, my Heavenly Father has filled the void within me that I never knew I had.

Sometimes Abba would gently remind me and make me realise how being a child of God has protected me from the effects of a lack of a father figure in my life since way back in my upper primary school years. My contact with the people around me and what I watch on the screens sometimes stir up the aching within me. Yet, God would gently remind me that He has been, and still is my Father so that what I've lost is insignificant to what I have in Him.

Sometimes my carnal self wanders and tries to look for a replacement in this messed-up world. My lack of faith, and warped view of how things should be, cause me to be drawn to things and people that I perceived would vaguely satisfy that hunger to relate.

Although till now, I still do not fully apprehend the concept of a proper father-daughter relationship. I just have to trust that who my Father-in-Heaven is to me, is how things should be.

Meanwhile, Abba Father, thank You for being so patient with me. You have been so long-suffering towards me even when I wander or when I've not been a good daughter to You. Thank You for teaching me ever so faithfully through Your word and through those who love me. Thank You for accepting me, loving me and fathering me. Thank You for giving me the grace to receive Your love and forgive the one who is lacking. May You increase my capacity to love so that others can experience Your love through me. I pray that every father in this world would learn from You, the Father of all fathers, because You hold the truth in this perverted generation.

Blessed be the God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are my HERO!


O Father of the fatherless
In whom all families are blessed
I love the way You father me
You gave me life, forgave the past
Now in Your arms I'm safe at last
I love the way You father me

Father me
Forever You'll father me
And in Your embrace
I'll be forever secure
I love the way You father me
I love the way You father me

When bruised and broken I draw near
You hold me close and dry my tears
I love the way You father me
At last my fearful heart is still
Surrendered to Your perfect will
I love the way You father me

If in my foolishness I stray
Returning empty and ashamed
I love the way You father me
Exchanging for my wretchedness
Your radiant robes of righteousness
I love the way You father me


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