God's Command To Love - Back To Basics

Today was a day of emotional roller coaster...yet I can't tell anybody about it except Abba. Cos He knows me inside out, outside in. I might as well just tell Him lur. At work, where else can I go, except school toilet. Cos I was afraid that it would hurt so much as I pour out to God that I would drop tears.

It's tough to be vulnerable. But that's part of loving that I cannot avoid. If you want to open your heart to love, you have to be prepared to get hurt. But that's how we develop this aspect of the spiritual fruit of love, by choosing to love when the loving gets tough, or rough, or not reciprocated. Cos agape love does not expect love in return, it's unconditional. I'm hurt because I'm expecting something in return, be it words, deeds, and/or the lack of. Thank God I have Him to run to. His Spirit will comfort and give grace so I will not fall into the trap of self-pity.

I believe this package is God-sent. Cos I asked God to enlarge my capacity to love. It's painful but I am not regretting it. It's painful because there's that strong need to be loved in a certain way. I just pray that my carnal perspective of love would not contaminate the kind of love I want to manifest. That I may love with the heart of my Abba Father. Only His love is 100% pure. Forgive me if my selfish inner being causes me to warp this love. Give me Your grace, and anoint me with purity. Show me Your way cos it brings life.

I didn't think about it until now, as I'm blogging about it that it was a practical lesson in preparation of what was going to be shared by Brenda at Cell Group in the evening. She shared about the first 2 commandments of love quoted by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40:

37 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

If this is the basic of the fundamental commandments (love God and love thy neighbours), I'm sure my spiritual report card would reflect these 2 modules.

So, again, my heart is bandaged, and I'm ready to love again!

Thought-provoking quotes brought up during BGV Vocal Training - "We can have worship without singing worship songs, and (the scary thing is) we can sing worship songs without having (a heart of) worship."


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