
Yesterday, my 'Cher listened to my playing. How he managed to evaluate, I don't know. Cos I was accompanied by the song, I mean, piece, playing on his laptop...and other "helpful" people on the trumpet and flute. Thanks, erm, for the encouragement. I can't even hear myself lah! And I thought they hated BRS.

Anyway, I was given a new piece to learn - Ammerland. So happy leh! Like promotion like that. My tonguing still CMI lah, but Kenneth also tried my clarinet and commented on the reed and padding problems. it's not just me lur!

I sent away my clarinet for repair in the evening cos the guy was here to collect the rest of the instruments for repair. I needed to fix the corking (and now, padding) asap. I'm tired of taping both ends of the upper section to keep the clarinet from falling apart. $50 one leh, what you expect? Hopefully it will really make a difference to my learning progress. Can't wait to get it back! Meanwhile, I shall victimize another unused clarinet in the band room...hur hur hur!!!

Yesterday was also the Band SLs and Committee had a SL workshop with Mr Tan. I sat in as well as I wanted to learn the concept of leading sectionals, how things should be carried out, where should we be heading. Perhaps I could apply the knowledge to facilitating my students to be better leaders or even for myself to better lead my Church's Choir. I think there's always treasures to take when you learn leadership skills from someone with a caring heart, because it's more than just about the skills.

So this is what I've learnt:

We are talking about people management. As a team leader, or section leader in this case, we need to communicate what we want out of the players in a way that they can understand. We also need to identify the problem areas so we are able to deal with the root. And because we are dealing with people, we need to acknowledge that our members come from all over and hence the bad playing habits differs - so it's not "one solution fix all". Need to be sensitive. How we communicate with the verbals and non-verbals also determines the effectiveness of this SL-member relationship. "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." What's our intention (heart)? Are we thinking of just simply transferring the skills or also that the player understands and accept the correction? For example, putting a member down with sarcasm would probably turn them off and shut them out. This would hinder the effective transfer of skills.

I think that kinds of sums up the softskills part of SL work. I was delighted that Mr Tan touched on the technical stuff as well. I was able to learn some techniques applicable to playing the clarinet, too. The air, tongue, lips, fingering. So many aspects to playing an instruments. Which is also why the SLs need to be able to single out the problem areas so that we can 对症下药 and really fix it.

Everything ended at 10pm. Then the committee was called in for Band Camp post-mortem. So much has been happening that we haven't had a meeting for a while. It was a time of update, follow-up blah blah. They ate up all my cup noodle, the leftover of the leftover 4 chicken wings from the second bbq. By the time we finished, it was past midnight. Fayanne smsed me in the middle of the meeting with this message:

"Wat time your meeting ending? If dun end, your students will have to take midnight cab and u cannot claim cab fare too. Coz boss dun like meeting end so late. So u fast fast ok. Hee."

I also don't like to end late mah...

Anyway, I was also very tired already. In fact I was so close to dozing off near the end of the SL workshop. So by don't know what time, I really couldn't take it any longer. Eventually, I ended up kneeling on the floor and supporting my head with my hands on the conference room chair and just gave in. Hope I didn't say stupid things and make a fool of myself. Please pardon me if I did. Stupid Law Wei took my sleeping picture, I think. Better delete or I will 没完没了with you.

Gibberdy, gibberdy, gibberdy, gibberdy, that's all, folks!


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