Heartfelt Gratitude

Today, my heart is filled with deep gratitude to God's answered prayer.

This morning, I woke up earlier than scheduled from shock that I might have overslept because I forgot to set my alarm clock. I had deactivated it because I set it too early the day before and it rang 12 hours earlier.

Anyway...the sky looked a bit gloomy and so I prayed and asked God for good weather because my TP Band is performing at Jurong Bird Park today. I even asked 大姐 to activate Rachel and Roy to pray, too.

Around reporting time, it started to rain. That kinda tested my faith. In my heart I was thinking...nevermind, we still have to go through everything as planned anyway. No point worrying. So tuning and warm ups were carried out and when the time came for us to load the logistics and members, the rain had stopped. The sky remained dark and threatening even throughout the whole performance from 2pm to about 3pm. But I did ask for a "pillar of cloud" to cover us from the afternoon sun. Right after we finished clearing the chairs, it started to drizzle. Seeing that there was no point hanging around the Bird Park, we decided to go back earlier instead. So we called for the buses and truck to come an hour earlier. And again, when it's time to load the logistics and members, the rain stopped till we arrived TP. It was totally amazing. Oh, my prayer-answering God. Thank you so much for your kind favour. I'm utterly grateful. Thank. Daddy!

After debrief and group photo-taking at the band room, went dinner with Li Hong, Wee Gek, Jing Ting, Raphael and Xueping at Pepper Lunch. Took 518 to Orchard Road and walked to Ngee Ann City. Food was not bad and we didn't have to wait too long for our orders to come. Most probably because we had to cook it ourselves with the raw food and the hot plates.

After that I was thirsty and wanted to go get a drink at MacD. On the way we passed by Azabu Soba Hokkaido Ice-Cream. So we stopped and got ourselves some ice cream. They have wonderful flavours like milk tea, grean tea with red beans, tiramisu, black sesame and some other usuals. Me? I had black sesame and Rum & Raisins. I actually don't like eating raisins, especially in rice and cakes. But I developed a liking for this flavoured ice cream when I first tried Haagen Dazs' Rum Raisins Ice-Cream. You gotta know the difference. Most ice-cream parlours sells Rum and Raisins. But HD's is Rum Raisin. Means the raisins are soaked in rum, not just mixed in the ice-cream. Get it? HD's Brandied Cherry is another of my favourite. If I eat there, I'd usually have both flavours. And no, I'm not a alcholic...

After that we went home...so super tired. I alighted at MacD near my house to get a drink...was supposed to get that before we had the ice-cream. Anyway, as I was slacking by myself, my thoughts naturally flowed to the happenings for the past few days of band activities. Congrats to the new band committee on the completion of your first official project. I reflected on all that has happened during the past 2 days of camp and this afternoon's performance, and the series of long and short meetings we had, I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that this committee has pulled through the past 2 months.

Wow! Has it just been 2 months? It certainly felt longer. Perhaps it's because we've done so much during this short period and met up in and outside of meetings - watch concerts, lunch, dinner, supper, mahjong, slacking in the band room. Or perhaps it's also because I've been sitting in at band practices so often nowadays that I've developed a love for things pertaining to the band - the players, the instruments and all the music-making. I feel really blessed to have the liberty of listening to 'live' music performances twice a week, and to sit under (or rather, beside) the baton of a good Conductor. Mr Tan never fails to make each piece of music interesting and interactive. Sometimes when I hear the whole band play, I could almost visualize the story behind the pieces after listening to Mr Tan's illustrations.

They say, "Love like you've never been hurt before." But I'm afraid I'd get too protective. The more I put my heart in, the more vulnerable and susceptible I would be to being affected by those who don't care as much as I do. Abba, please give me a bigger heart. When circumstances threatens to break it, I know I can run to You for refuge. I can tell you everything without having to explain and You would understand. And You would listen to me patiently, mend my broken heart, bandage my soul...and I would be able to love again.


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