Weekends Always Feel So Short
Yet another week has come. Another headache in the morning. Monday blues' taking its effect on me again. Why do weekends always feel so short.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I do not appreciate every new day that my Abba Father has made. Maybe the little time I have to unwind doesn't settle in before I need to wind back just creates that yearning, making me look forward to the next weekend. Well, no point hoping for the unchangeable with what I have on my plate.
Well, perhaps we're not supposed to settle? Why wait till 5 days before unwinding? For the busy and well-occupied, what's the possibility of disciplining oneself to come away from a day's work, and look to the source of your strength and rest, whatever works? No such luxury? Or perhaps there could be a more feasible alternative?
Hmmm... I think I know what I need to do ;)
So how as the short weekend been for me, then?
On Saturday, cell group had a BBQ session at one of the members' condo - The Bayshore. Throughout the whole 5 hours or more at the premise, I was mainly slacking in the comfortable chair by the table, just waiting (with 80% of the members) to be fed. I don't know about the rest, but I had totally no drive to move out of it because I was so tired from a whole morning and afternoon of personal data entry. Plus the weather was kinda humid after the rain and the area was understandably smokey. Anyway, it made me really thirsty so I just kept on drinking water until I felt so bloated. Thinking back, I really didn't eat that much. It was all water, baby...
Just before we left, we celebrated 2 members' birthday. Sing song, blow candle, cut cake, pray for the birthday girls - the usual SOP. Oh ya, not forgetting... eat cake. Haha...
I was contemplating if I should go cos I was so tired before that. But I'm kinda glad I did. Just being there, engaging in short conversations here and there, doing things together and being a part of it, feels like a blessing. It was R'n'R for me, anyway.
Sunday was the most relaxing. After lunch with cell group, I spent some alone time at The Olives and decided to watch "August Rush". Then more alone time at MacD near my house. Was a bit sian one half cos I couldn't get into my wireless@SG network there. I can't seem to get firefox to get the pop up for log in. So instead of continuing blogging where I left off in the morning, I decided to write in my journal on issues more for the eyes of the One above.
I'm now sitting in the band room having a hilarious time watching Mr Tan rehearsing Disney Spectacular. I wonder how the members can keep from bursting into laughter after his illustration on how he wants each instrument to sound. I guess the players are used to it.
There's that empty spot at the front row.
Moshi moshi, hello, wei wei? So, how has your weekend been?
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I do not appreciate every new day that my Abba Father has made. Maybe the little time I have to unwind doesn't settle in before I need to wind back just creates that yearning, making me look forward to the next weekend. Well, no point hoping for the unchangeable with what I have on my plate.
Well, perhaps we're not supposed to settle? Why wait till 5 days before unwinding? For the busy and well-occupied, what's the possibility of disciplining oneself to come away from a day's work, and look to the source of your strength and rest, whatever works? No such luxury? Or perhaps there could be a more feasible alternative?
Hmmm... I think I know what I need to do ;)
So how as the short weekend been for me, then?
On Saturday, cell group had a BBQ session at one of the members' condo - The Bayshore. Throughout the whole 5 hours or more at the premise, I was mainly slacking in the comfortable chair by the table, just waiting (with 80% of the members) to be fed. I don't know about the rest, but I had totally no drive to move out of it because I was so tired from a whole morning and afternoon of personal data entry. Plus the weather was kinda humid after the rain and the area was understandably smokey. Anyway, it made me really thirsty so I just kept on drinking water until I felt so bloated. Thinking back, I really didn't eat that much. It was all water, baby...
Just before we left, we celebrated 2 members' birthday. Sing song, blow candle, cut cake, pray for the birthday girls - the usual SOP. Oh ya, not forgetting... eat cake. Haha...
I was contemplating if I should go cos I was so tired before that. But I'm kinda glad I did. Just being there, engaging in short conversations here and there, doing things together and being a part of it, feels like a blessing. It was R'n'R for me, anyway.
Sunday was the most relaxing. After lunch with cell group, I spent some alone time at The Olives and decided to watch "August Rush". Then more alone time at MacD near my house. Was a bit sian one half cos I couldn't get into my wireless@SG network there. I can't seem to get firefox to get the pop up for log in. So instead of continuing blogging where I left off in the morning, I decided to write in my journal on issues more for the eyes of the One above.
I'm now sitting in the band room having a hilarious time watching Mr Tan rehearsing Disney Spectacular. I wonder how the members can keep from bursting into laughter after his illustration on how he wants each instrument to sound. I guess the players are used to it.
There's that empty spot at the front row.
Moshi moshi, hello, wei wei? So, how has your weekend been?