Take A Chance On Me

Last night my eldest sister asked if I would like to hang out since she and the kids are staying over. She suggested watching the movie - Mamma Mia! Well, I've watched it already but I didn't mind a second go at it.

So I bought the Saturday night tickets online after I got home from Saturday Service and used my HSBC prepaid movie pass to pay for it, at $7.50 per tickets. And they were valued at $10 last night. Not bad right? So she managed to convince the twins not to tag along and we headed for our 9.30pm show at GV Tampines.

My sister is a fan of ABBA. I'm a bit of the same but not crazy over it. I just love dancing to the fast numbers and I enjoyed the harmonies.

I think the most hilarious movie moments were the scene with this song:

Take a Chance on Me - ABBA

I feel that this is a movie that an ABBA fan won't mind watching it over and over again. Importantly for me, it's one with happy ending. I think I'm going to buy the DVD when it is released ;P

Today's praise and worship session at both services was tiring but shiok. The sound was good and there was quite a sense of liberty even on stage. We tried our best to bring across a more enthusiastic stage presence and it kinda affected our spirited 'performance'. Wah, but ah, very tiring eh, to sing and dance at the same time. And not forgetting that we were in our suit. Anyway, I think I got a bit carried away (vocally, that is), cos my vocal cords decided to give way in the middle of the later session without prior warning. So I had to control my voice like crazy to prevent from going off key. It felt strange to express the song in body language without much sound coming out.

Hmmm... So glad to be serving as a vocalist again. Not that I minded conducting and it may not be the end of it yet. That part was a great experience. But I do feel more like I'm being myself when I sing. Come to think of it, the period of conducting the Choir gave a fresh perspective to singing as worship vocalist. Notwithstanding, in the natural, what I love about singing is the music that rings from within and resonates in the audi through the mic and sound system, the harmony I can make with others, whether voices or instruments or both. In the spiritual, it is when the message of the song I carry reaches from my heart to God's and the Holy Spirit uses it to minister His healing to the sick and broken-hearted. That's the crux of the ministry - to point the people to Jesus, whatever state of mind they may have come into the house with...

This Sunday and the last, the Cornerstone Community Services Centre (CCSC) organised a fund-raising project and had a few stalls at Level 1 Lobby. Being the supportive member as I am, I patronized a few of them. Let's see. Had Japanese pork stew rice for breakfast, had my teeth checked, bought an ice-cream and had a haircut. Yep, finally had my irritating long hair shortened by more than half, and only for $10. The hairdressers are based at Roxy Square II called Divine...unless I heard wrongly. Apparently one of the partners is from FCBC. Wonder if the rest are. As for the dental check, it was only $4 ok...and they even give you a dental kit consisting of toothbrush, and 3 types of tooth paste. I thought that was a pretty good deal, too.

Oh ya, we just launched the new look for the Church's website. Really cool. Do check it out, k? Download sermons in mp3 format and feed your soul. URL: www.cscc.org.sg


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