How Can I Resist You?

Went to watch a movie with an ex-colleague cum dance buddy just now. We had a blast. Mamma Mia! was filled with all the ABBA songs that we always look forward to at jam and hop in school when she was still with us.

I love Meryl Streep. She was the main reason why I wanted to watch this show in the first place. You see, I'm not really a musical fan. Cos singing when you're supposed to speak your lines in a conversation just doesn't sit well with me. Even when it comes to opera, which I'm learning to appreciate for other reason, it still requires a bit of getting used to.

Some of the singing scenes in the movie I thought were rather 'cheesily' done, but they weren't that bad. The storyline and acting really gave fresh perspectives to the lyrics of those familiar tunes, and I found myself strangely able to identify with the words for most of the songs. Some parts were really hilarious and we couldn't stop laughing. The singing was good. Even Brosnan, whom a few people have 'protested' against his singing, did quite okay, in my opinion at least.

We met up for dinner first. She said she had a heavy lunch so wanted something light. Something light? Hey, that reminded me of Subway! Haha, so guess what? Yep, it's Subway again...consecutively 2 dinners. Wed's sandwich had pickles in it though I asked for it to be excluded. It wasn't that bad though. So the only toppings I took out this time was capsicum and onions. And I had the Hearty Italian bread. It was nice, except that the rough exterior kinda hurt my hard palate previously 'tenderized' from eating wasabi peas earlier in the afternoon. Anyway, the guy who served me was really generous when I said I wanted more olives.



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