Waves Of Crises


Just before one crisis is resolved, another one arises.

I wish I can take everything in my stride. Guess I've been a bit too sheltered as the youngest child in the family and have become a bit ironically disadvantaged. Thank God such skills can be nurtured along the way, just harder to press through with a lack in tenacity. I'm not going to use this as an excuse to push all the responsibility to do what needs to be done. Definitely it's a learning experience...part of growing up, and a process, I'm sure, that if I seek it's purpose, I would find Abba Father's hand in it. He is in control, you know... ;)

Surely it would be foolish to expect that life is ever going to be a bed of roses. Even roses have thorns. The bigger the flower, the bigger the thorns. Well, maybe we should say bed of rose petals...but they don't last long after you pluck them off. Hmmm... whoever thought of using 'bed of roses' to illustrate a good life either didn't think properly, or is referring to something else...hahaa! I think bottomline is, nothing is forever, until you die...that's when eternity sets in.

A quote from old CS Lewis that set me in the right perspective:
"You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."

I don't think this is the kind of theory where you can apply the chicken-or-egg-comes-first argument.


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