The 5 Ps

Today I enjoyed myself tremendously at the worship vocalists workshop. We started with a time of worship, then went through revision on expectations for the vocalists. The 5Ps. Purpose, Preparation, Position, Passion, People. The gist of it - it's about knowing and embracing our vision, preparing and equipping ourselves technically and spiritually towards that, finding our security and stability knowing where we've been placed, passion for God and His people.

The funny part came when a recorded video of one of the praise and worship sessions was played. We just kept laughing, cos we were all guilty as charged. We basically scrutinized the first minute of the first song and commented on what we could improve on. It was a far cry from where we hope to be when we watched a well-known Church's live worship video, even after we minus what we were not comparing - the lightings, the atmosphere, the number of rehearsals they would have had prior, less restrictive attire, I guess what we were trying to learn from these videos was how we could increase the energy level of each vocalist, and how to engage the congregation more.

Sometimes we're not aware of how we appear until we look ourselves 'in the mirror'. The videos were our aid for our blindspot (we close our eyes half the time anyway - something we need to change). Now that we've roughly identified what needs to be done, the challenge that remains is how do we get there? For a start, I guess that's where the 'knowing our position' comes in, and knowing what we're doing it for. If it's important enough, even if at first it's going to be unnatural, it's a matter of getting used to it and the 'naturalness' would fall into place.

Yep, the 5Ps would be the key to making that genuinely possible without turning us into 'professional performers' on stage.

It's going to be an unending learning journey...


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