A Lot Of Getting Used To

I'm managing better than I thought, even though there are still a lot of getting used to.

It's interesting how one event happening around a person can cause so many changes and adjustments in one's life, and sometimes even in the lives of others. I guess that's how people are connected to one another, whether you like it or not.

Places I used to go to, driving routes I used to take, things I used to do, events I used to attend, places I used to eat at, what I used to spend my time and money on, things I used to look out for, opinions I used to look forward to to stimulate thoughts about myself and my God, that sense of assurance I used to depend on; the list goes on.

But I'll learn to deal with it. The only thing that is constant in life is change. If you refuse to adapt, you'll be very miserable.

Thankfully, God never changes. "God is good, and His mercy endures forever!" A good reminder in service today. What a faithful God we serve!

This afternoon after lunch, I was sitting at The Olives uploading the Band Ensemble Night video from DV tape to my lappy. Happening right? A firewire cable...that's all it needs to connect the 2 devices together. It was quite fun to meddle around with the in-built software to do the job...took quite a while though. Ths last part of burning it into a DVD was done at home cos by the time the transfer was done, Olives closing already.

Throughout the transfer, I had Kenneth to keep me company. Ya, finally managed to get hold of him online. So we chat for a bit, actually the whole time while I was at Olives :)

Everybody's back to work tomorrow. Celebrating my father's birthday at home with all the families coming over. My room's going to be invaded again. Somehow, my nephews and nieces all like to hide in my room, don't know why. Maybe they always find new stuff there. It's like treasure hunt... ahaha. Tomorrow I'll entertain them with Max and Touch. I downloaded a few software from iTunes Store.

And I want to say. The shop I went to get the keyboard shield for my Max say they can do an upgrade of the iPod Touch OS at $69. Then I go online and download myself, only US$9.90. Wah, so that shop ar, daylight robbery eh!

Anyway, back to the some-free-some-paid software I downloaded... My favourite is this Moo-Cow-Music Pianist.

It's a touch piano with different octaves that you can move easily with the sliding of your finger on the screen. It also has a metronome...but the sound a bit sharp to the ears. This tiny piano is going to replace my pitch pipe during rehearsal. I can even play tunes on it for auditions, woo hoo! Rather than bring the whole keyboard right? The candidates supposed to sing unaccompanied anyway. All I need is a pair of speakers which I already have! I'm back in business! Heh heh...

I can get used to this...


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