Seven-Year Itch

Two more months and it would have been a full seven years since I last fractured my left foot. I was staying at my brother's house then and injured myself at the ramp up the lift at the ground floor. Usually I would have forgotten or wouldn't be that sure. But I clearly remember that I was 'room-ridden' watching the news and caught the very first report on 911 incident on TV. That segment was even before the 2nd plane crashed itself into WTC.

Then yesterday, I did it again. Why? Geh-kiang go and play tennis lah, run after ball lah! Should have known better. Some exercise are just not suitable for people of my calibre. But I wasn't even thinking of exercise, can? Can't play for nuts. I think we achieved more perspiration from laughing at our bad playing and picking up stray balls. It was hilarious and I think that's what made us want to do it again.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I went to the doctor to check on my left foot cos I have been feeling pain on and off for quite some time. I got a referral from the polyclinic, did an x-ray, a bone scan and was actually due for a consultation for the bone scan at CGH today. So 'ngham' right? It's like it was preempt before that I was going to injure myself yesterday. Same foot some more. And that's when I got to know that I actually have arched feet. Hence more weight is placed on the out-side of my feet when I move.

So since I have this appointment later, I decided to endure the pain and get it inspected today instead. As expected, the pain has escalated overnight. Perhaps it was a combination of the usual pain I would feel every morning especially if I had overworked it the day before. Somehow it doesn't feel as bad as it did 7 years ago so I'm hoping that it's nothing to do with the bone. But I really don't know what's worse should it be something else. What I need now, really, is the healing power of God. I need prayer and lots of faith!

This is a good time to reflect on some life issues. Hope to see more of God this round. Last round was filled with Japanese Drama. Oh ya, and "Liu Xing Hua Yuan"! T.T Ahahahaha...


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