
I woke up today feeling a bit disoriented because I had stayed overnight in campus on Thursday and Friday for 2 of my arts groups' projects. And this morning, though Sunday, I had to go back to school as one of my groups were performing for the Boathouse Official Launch graced by Minister George Yeo. I didn't feel like waking up, but a phone call from my colleague jolted me to full alertness because of some emergency and I was needed there asap. To cut the long story short, I gave her an alternative solution as I was brushing my teeth and I could go back to normal speed again. But by then, I no longer felt sleepy. Hmmm...God knew I needed that.

Anyway, now I'm back at home because I was too late for Service and too early for my next appointment - Prison Ministry. Need to pick up a few people from Church otherwise they would need to take cab.

Oh ya, time to give Matrix a shower. Maybe I'll drop by a kiosk somewhere for the public bath. Haha... Don't know got time or not. That day I went into one, and came out into 2 consecutive days of rainy weather. Matrix was even more dirty after that...wasted by $6. But nevermind lah. God is sovereign with His rain and shine. I'm not complaining, k?

Alright, gotta go chauffeur people already. Then it's Philharmonic Winds Concert at ECH tonight. Hope it'll be an enjoyable one!


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