Impromptu Rendezvous

Just got back from dinner with my so-called god brother, MM. Drove down to meet him at Mohd Sultan. The place was En Grill and Bar. En has at least 2 outlets along that stretch. MM works there part time so I made him mix a non-alcoholic drink for me. They serve Japanese Cuisine. Quite up it was a small burnt in the pocket even though there was staff discount.

I think the best dish was Kaki was grilled oyster wrapped with bacon. $12 for 4 pieces...wah, so expensive, but super shiok. I miss fresh oysters! I went to Fish & Co a few times and they never fail to disappoint me with the item in the menu but always out. They should just cross it out.

Anyway, about this long-lost brother. So long never see him then this week we met up twice in a row. Yesterday I sent him to Lim Chu Kang camp to book in after picking him up at Khatib MRT station. We drove to a nearby MacD to cnc (chat and chill) for a couple of hours before driving about the same distance to his camp. This is the first time I've gone so far up North and Northwest. By the time I reached home, Matrix has clocked up to almost 80km. But it was worth it.

Was feeling a bit down yesterday so meeting up with MM cheered me up. It was nice that we could finally find time to see each other. We didn't really plan to meet on both occasions. Yesterday I was already at home after watching B-Boyz & Ballerina at Esplanade Theatre. Was on the phone with him when we decided to meet up. Tonight, my car had already turned into the carpark at home... Haha, so impromptu.

Well, hope to see him again soon. The initial plan was 2 weeks later.

A temp staff who just left us for NS sent out a thank-you email to all and this is what he wrote to me:
Cynthia – Always cheerful. How to forget you? You’re gonna be in my heart forever la. Thank you for enlightening me to look at the bright side when things are not as bright for me. =) sweet right? Haha...


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