True Love

I read this quote from the trailer of a movie:
No dependence, no expection. No expectation, no grief.

This quote has a sad truth in it. Perhaps we were once trusting, and then we experience betrayal, and that caused grief. I guess, in a non-complex way, that's how people start striving to become independent, self-sufficient, leading to self-centredness, selfishness, pride.

Proverbs 16:18-19 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

I believe that it pains God to see us get hurt and develop a heart that's distrusting, hardened towards others, towards Him, even towards ourselves. It would take a lot of courage to open up again because it makes us vulnerable. To love and to be loved, letting people in.

Look at Jesus. His love is the ultimate. He gave of Himself, and He was betrayed by His disciples, the world He came to save. But, thank God, He never stopped loving, even until now. Jesus is NEVER out of love. God IS love. And so we should manifest His love freely, too.

Perhaps my insecurity has caused me to become petty and calculative, even confrontational. I know that as God's children, that's not how He wants us to be.

I'm in a journey of experiencing the truth that if I find my security in God, I don't have to worry even though the circumstance may seem like I'm the one being shortchanged in a relationship. The content from my previous entry on "Love Vs Lust" made it clear to me, especially on what God's kind of love should be like.

If I truly love a person, I don't have to possess and feel insecure when the other person doesn't reciprocate. Sure I will be sad when I'm not appreciated. I'm still human and still have my weaknesses and we are made to connect with one another. But it's ok. So, I won't stop loving. I can't...cos I serve and worship a God who is love.

How can I say that I love a God that I do not see, if I do not love those around me that I can see? Hence His commandments, "Love God and love thy neighbours." The journey continues...

I won't be in this alone. God will be with me as I continue in this journey to allow Him to love through me. His love and grace will be enough. The joy of the Lord shall be my strength.

Won't you join me?


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