Back In Action!

Mountains have indeed been moved!

Haha...over the past 2 days in the office, it was as I said, more packing and dumping. My colleagues have been awfully helpful. While I was away, they actually helped made the many rounds in transferring all my barang barang from my old workstation to the new. Got back yesterday and they continued to help me to set up my PC, phone and network and tidy up all the wiring. Wow, I would have been easily overwhelmed without their help.

With all that settled, all I really needed to do was to sort out what goes where. I'm glad I needed to stay back in campus for band camp. All my stuff were sorted out by six this morning. Slept about 2 hours, washed up and then it's back to tidy up the lose ends. So happy that I'm done with all that and can settle down with real work full force on Monday. So much to do with all the events coming up. God, I need Your grace!

At this moment, I'm just waiting in the band room for the band concert committee meeting at 7.30pm. Camp has ended and all have gone for dinner. I'm sure there'll be lots of blur-ness and yawns later. Haha...grace for them, too, Father. :)

I can't believe how much stuff I've accumulated over the years, even though I've been going through the whole process many times. But I've a new motto now to minimize this - I don't have to possess what I love. Sounds irrelevant? Well, it applies to people and things. To things, it would simply means that I don't have to buy whatever that's pleasing to the eye. I can appreciate it without owning it, even though I know very well I have the means to. So, let them stay on the shelves in the stores. They probably look nicer there than lying around at home or office. It's a discipline of the soul, I guess. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21). May my heart's treasure be the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and not the material things of this world - lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).

Abba Father, like what Elisabeth Elliot said, "let me love what You command and desire what you promise." Nothing more, nothing less.


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