1 Week Of Medical Leave

I just got back not long ago from a one-night stay in CGH. Had a biopsy done around 1pm yesterday. As the operation was done under general anaesthesia, as briefed by my anaesthesiologist, I'm now experiencing muscle ache at all parts of my body. Chewing and swallowing food causes pain to my jaw and throat. I believe it's the respiratory aid placed in my mouth during the surgery.

Initially, the doctors recommended regional anaesthesia, but the injection into the epidural space of my spinal cord had proved to be too painful and scary at the same time. So after a few attempts, I insisted that they gave me GA instead. I believe the phobia was a result of a very painful and traumatic experience at my previous operation for a different condition.

Anyway, I'm now on medical leave for a week. I feel so sorry for my colleagues who need to juggle my job spec as stage manager at the Closing of Poly Forum 07 this Friday. If the tumour had not been suspected to be malignant and require this biopsy done, I would have postponed the surgery. Thank God for blessing me with such a supportive and understanding team of co-workers.

Well, I'm glad I bought about a dozen of movies a couple of weeks ago, so I'm kinda assured from boredom. Would also be a good time to do some reflections, though I suspect that this item would be put off till nearer the end of my leave, haha... My room desperately needs packing, too. Oh well, whatever it is, I'll try my best to make full use of this break.


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