
Today is a beautiful day.

Even though I didn't get to go back to the office because I still can't and I'm still suffering in pain, but... I want to thank God for a few things:

  1. I know that someone who matters to me is not upset with me.
  2. Got in touch with one alumni member whom I used to work with. A beautiful individual who spent some time with me on msn today, made me laugh, feel cared for, feel that I mattered. It's a nice feeling.
  3. Finally, I had success in the movement of my b***l. You have no idea how thankful I was. All those futile efforts for the past week. My hope of recovery is up. More prayers please! :)
  4. The thread that bound my wound dropped off. For the past few days I thought it was something else stuck inside and was going to be grafted to my flesh and would require surgery to remove. I don't know if it's a good thing that it dropped off, but it relieved me of my fear.
The week of break didn't pass by easy for me. It has indeed been a trying period, affecting me in more ways than one. At this very moment as I type this entry lying on my bed, with the song "How Great Is Our God" by Chris Tomlin playing on my iTunes, my heart is filled with the joy that my God is indeed a great and faithful God. He knows what I'm going through and gave me courage to overcome my pain and fear of pain. He comforted me with His words, and through the deeds and words of those around me.

Praise be to God!


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