
This evening, me and a bunch of the band members got together to celebrate Hui Zhen's birthday. We went to Kampong Chai Chee CC's KBox for 3 hours of singing. Well, the sound system was terrible and the mics have got loose connections. But heck, we had fun.

I was a bit hesitant to go along but it's the birthday of someone special, so the sound system wasn't the priority. It was really cheap though. $12 for the session with a free drink. ($8 for students). Not bad lah. I was hesitant because I only know a few songs...mostly English, the usual oldies... and partly because English songs are usually not up to date. Well, I did pick a few, we all sang together lah with that 2 pathetic mics. Hence I was quite surprised that most of the Mandarin songs they chose sounded familiar to me and I could sing along.

It was more fun than I thought. And during all the singing, Hui Zhen's whole family came by and brought another birthday cake (durian, yummy!) and sang a multilingual KTV birthday song. It was so funny, at the same time, heartwarming. Heartwarming that they actually made it a family affair to come to where she was to wish her Happy Birthday. Very garang lar, especially her dad.

My father would never do that. I don't think he even remembers my birthday, but I've gotten over that long ago. No expectations since the sad story began long, long, time ago. It still grieves me when I think about it, but...my mind's occupied most of the time by more important things. I don't put a lot of weight on celebrating my birthday anyway, even though it's nice that people make efforts to let you know that they remember and want to make you happy with surprises and presents. It makes you feel special and thought of... no need to wait till birthday, though ;P

Oh, anyway & anyways, like I say, self-pity wastes time and energy. Bitterness is cancerous. And I've already forgiven the forgivables. I'm grateful that my Father in heaven is still working in me concerning this part of my life with his grace and love. I know I have been well-compensated. He is truly a Father to the fatherless.


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