Don't Bother Calling

Dear XXX,


Please don’t call me, because I wouldn’t know what to say to you and nobody enjoys having awkward conversations. You can just ask me anything work related via email so don’t bother adding any elements of concern about my personal well-being because I don’t think you do.

I hate hypocrites and would rather not have any small talks especially if I know it’s not going to lead to anything nurturing so I’m actually rather thankful of your outburst of crudeness when you are unhappy with me or other people. To me, you’re just my boss and someone so professional that you can work well with people you really hate. I’m not as magnanimous or unaffected like you and I fault myself for not being able to see things beyond totally impersonal.

I try my best to see the truth and the objectivity of a matter and God says I need to love my neighbours as myself. Nowadays, I guess neighbours are not just residential, but people in professional setting as well. In our work environment, where we are instructed to be professional, yet avoid being impersonal and care for one another like family, it can sometimes be confusing how we can do things without taking issues personally. It’s like just wanting the best of the both worlds whatever gets the work done. How can this be?


Jesus – the society (my boss) says we don’t have to like somebody to work well with them. But you teach that we need to love even our neighbours as ourselves. Isn't there a conflict here? Or maybe while we try to love them despite not liking them, we need to see past all the personal issues and just focus on work? Then after work avoid any personal contact so as to prevent being sarcastic with all remarks and responses.

Love till it hurts. Love unconditionally - even if you feel shortchanged, or having others think you are a fool. Love selflessly, literally.


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