Bad Timings

My schedule today was quite messed up.

Was supposed to go for Beach Clean-up Day followed by Baptism for some church members. Cell group was supposed to have a picnic after that. One of the cell members was getting baptized too. So the plan was that those who are bringing food would skip the clean up and arrive at 11am to support the baptism. I volunteered to bring one of the food items because I was going to attend a workshop for Singles in Church in the afternoon. Didn't want to tire myself out.

To cut the long story very short...for some mix-up too long to explain here, ended up didn't go. Instead, went straight to TM to return the Starhub cable box to terminate the account. Then proceeded to Church for the workshop.

That was bad timing part 1. Part 2 was Wee Gek's concert I had to miss because I thought it was at 7 plus in the evening, like the usual concerts. It was only when I got the ticket that I realised it would start at 5pm. But I had already signed up for the afternoon workshop. So, didn't go for the concert.



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