Revisiting Boundaries & Limitations

I was reading through one of the entries in my previous blog (24 Jul 05) and thought it to be interesting enough to re-post it in this blog. Here goes...

"When God created us, He created us with limitations. We were not created to juggle 24 balls at one time; neither were we created to do nine different tasks all at the same time. And yet we so often forget that and we think that we have super-human strength and abilities and the result is:- More burnouts, more broken families, more mental cases, more stress-related diseases etc. And all because we do not respect the limitations and boundaries that we are created with."
Cornerstone Community Church Bulletin

Today's sermon was timely. It's amazing how the word of God can speak to one's heart. I felt that we connected. It's like God drew near to whisper gently to my spirit, uplifting me with assurance that He is still there and still in control. The ending song brought me to tears as I felt really touched by God's love and encouragement.


Verse 1:
Sometimes fears can hide your vision
The loss of purpose chains you down
You think I've forgotten all you're dreaming of
But how could I forget the one I love

"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit." says the Lord
"Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit." says the Lord
These mountains shall be removed
I'll build my temple in you
And what I've promised shall be done

Verse 2:
I can see your heart is tired
And your courage has worn thin
You wonder how long you will have to hang on
But when My love comes in you'll be strong again

with some thoughts of my own...

On Boundaries
To transgress is to move beyond given boundaries - to violate set rules. At it's best, it's perceived as creativity, while at its worst, it's to rebel or cross the line.

So what's the difference? Well, I don't know the answer exactly. But I do know that nowadays, and more often, as people are getting more assertive, and sometimes aggressive, there is a higher tendency for one to challenge policies, bend the rules in the name of humanism. But when zoomed in, it is really for less noble reasons - one's own benefits.

Rules are set because people involved are anticipated to abuse things at the expense of other people. Products and services are priced because, without it, people would rather not pay for it. Leftover food at buffets are charged because people take more than they can eat. Non-refundable deposits are charged because there are those who cannot commit to their orders.

Life is like playing ball games.

Without the white lines drawn to mark the soccer fields, rules & regulations, or penalties to prevent the players from breaking them, the whole game would be in chaos. You might not be able to accept this...there wouldn't be much fun playing or watching them either. I mean, why do we get ourselves worked up over unfair referees and players who get away with mischieves? We all want to see justice done. Yet when it comes to ourselves, more often than not, we look for ways and means to break the rules because it restricts us.

Remember when we were young, we loathed playing with the kid who keeps changing the rules to keep himself in the game. Or perhaps you are the kid I'm talking about.

I've seen a lot of people who thinks that to be creative, you need to break the rules. Isn't this cheating? Wouldn't it be more challenging to "think out of the box" within the constraints?

Constraints are placed there so that all who wants to "play" can be treated fairly.

From another angle, we see people getting stressed up because they felt limited moving within the boundaries.

On Limitations
Limitations are related to boundaries because boundaries limit what we can do.

I just learnt today that infirmities means limitations. Looks uncomfortable. Sounds inconvenient. Feels inadequate.

In a way it's true. But consider this...

We all have our limitations. It is important that we know our own limits. We need to realise that we are all created differently. We like different colours, different food. We are tickled differently, we have different levels of tolerance for different kinds of things. Just look at our thumbprints. Not one is like the other! Yet we tend to compare ourselves with those that we can't seem to measure up to. It's like comparing an apple with an orange. All of us are created for a purpose. Everyone of us has our own calling. To strive to be someone we're not can cause us to experience burnout. It's stressful.

God can expand our sphere of ministry, He is the One to do it. So until then, don't cherish exaggerated ideas of ourselves. It's presumptuous. It's foolish to do beyond what God wants us to do.

We are all so different. Yet...God knows us by name. He is the AWESOMEST!!! :)


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