Queue To Harvest

Lunching in means that I get a little bit of time to rest before resuming an afternoon of work.

For the past weeks, the weather has been rather unbearable. I woke up yesterday morning with perspiration even with the fan at full blast. When the weather is hot, it makes me tire more easily.

I'm glad I'm not picky about what I eat so I usually just go for the shortest queue at lunch. It's unlikely that you'll find me in a long line anywhere. Not for food, at least. Not if I can help it.

Last Friday, however, I was in a super long queue that went as far as 2 Expo exhibition hall, with one part already went in a long stretch inside an empty hall. It was the crocs sale. This is the first, and hopefully the last, that I'd ever go for something like that.

The reason why I bothered even join the queue, I think, was because I actually took half day leave to specially come and take a look and I had my colleague, Phaedra, with me. Minus the 2 factors, I might have just walked off at the sight of the queue. When we finally went in, it felt worse than the last day of any PC fair I've been to. People literally shove their way through and about at a few corners.

I was walking around in a rather contradicting pace, rather disturbed by the behaviour. I suppose I'm not that desperate for crocs. Besides, I know I can cause much damage in that place if I really want to push my weight around.

I'm glad for Phaedra's company. We did our own stuff cos we were looking for different things, but once in a while, we'll meet despite the crowd of chaos (thanks to mobile phones) to get second opinions.

I didn't get some stuff that I wanted. Apparently, they bring out different ranges at different sales. Nevertheless, I managed to get $200 worth of discounted priced footwear... which is currently, still in the big blue back inside Matrix :P


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