More Than One Lesson Learnt

I think it's amazing how sometimes one lesson in life can be applicable to another area later as we progress but we only realised after we get upset about it again the second time. Ok, that's a mouthful. Read slower.

For the past 2 years I've been working especially closely with one of the student groups under my charge, and together, through trials and 'tribulation', we managed to set up and establish ways of doing things. Sometimes frustration and confusion happens which upset things we worked hard for but we learnt from it and accepted it as teething problems that occurs during transitions. And we move on.

This year, I'm adding one group within my more immediate 'radar range', hoping to adopt certain principles and work processes for improvement. Recently, there was a certain issue of negligence by one of the committee members which, in my opinion, kinda set us back a few steps in our progress.

It upset me a little at first because I know the consequence of this action. But as I began to look at it, adding in a bit of empathy and graciousness, I realised that it was an uncommunicated expectation, or rather, one that has not been corporately understood and developed. Now, more than ever, there is the need to handhold and encourage so that this becomes a learning point, rather than giving in to fault-finding and finger-pointing.

What's done cannot be undone, but our reaction can make a difference in how things are done in future and even what's gonna happen next. It is an opportunity to build team spirit and define who we are and what we want to see for the year ahead.

Of course there would be consequences to be dealt with, regardless of my positive attitude towards this whole incident. But I believe that by allowing myself to take a step back and see things without the distracting emotions (or communicating the emotions constructively without damaging the relationship), I would be able to do a better job as a student developer.

"God will make a way, where there seems to be no way..." These are the words from Don Moen's song. I'm sure my problem is not too small for God to look into once I commit them to Him. Everything is within His control, and He takes care of His beloved.

Wow... I feel so loved just thinking about myself as the beloved of my Abba this way. *shy* Oh well, gotta be more bold. Don't shy, don't shy! Haha...

Abba Father loves me, Jesus adores me... Woohoo!


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