Goes On And On And On...
In my life, 2 areas that occupy most of my time is work and Church. In any way I try to see it, both are never ending. It's an on-going process. Many times it takes a conscious effort to tell myself to shut down the PC at work. It's getting easier, though, and I hope it's a positive sign. But I do have to get past that deceiving guilt when there are people staying back and just tell myself that I have my share of staying back, too.
Past few weeks, events in school (a.k.a. work) have been happening back to back which took up quite a bit of after-office-hour time. The past week's been full of auditions. Prior to that were recruitment drive, week zero finale, leadership training camp... almost a cycle. On top of that was the ad hoc Guinness World Record event - Human Wheelbarrow Challenge. And I've been doing most of these for more than a decade now. They are all same and different at the same time. Balancing that and always working towards making things better the following years are what kept me going. And I know that it's one more place where I can see God working in, and through me.
'Church' would probably be more aptly referred to as 'faith'. After so many years, I'm still getting the hang of the fact (quoting C S Lewis) that "You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."
It's really an understatement to say that God is everywhere. You just have to open your spiritual senses and acknowledge His work of transformation daily. "Those who have ears, hear..." Guess we're more eager to fine tune the radio than to God. If so, let's try harder, draw nearer. At this day and age, where the thick cloud of spiritual darkness looms, we need God more and more, beyond the fact that He is worthy of our ultimate worship and adoration.
I'm still attending Church, cell-group, serving in the ministry, and most importantly, still allowing myself to be changed by God daily, thank God. I believe it takes humility and God's grace to be in that position. A place that I would like to be - more consciously and, at times, more willingly. As for the ministry, God has sustained me for the past 19 years (minus 3 for the time in Perth), and I must say I'm totally grateful for His amazing grace and patience.
And even at this stage, I'm still learning and defining what worship is about - what it means to me, and more importantly, what it means to God. I feel God opening my mind and heart to perceive His ways regarding worship and my faith. It's a defining season. But whatever it is, it's a season of pressing in for more of His presence as worshipers He has created for His pleasure.
It's intriguing how God teaches us to worship Him. Imagine you teaching someone the right way to appreciate you. Wouldn't it be awkward? Like so 'hao-lian' like that, right? Ok, God is worthy. He is, afterall, God. But in general, human to human, it would probably be perceived as arrogance to ask for it. Yet, seeing it from another angle, sometimes it's necessary. Not so much that one expects it, but that taking something or someone for granted is quite a big character flaw.
It's one thing to appreciate. It's another to make it known to the appreciated. Appreciating, but not expressing it (making it known by the appreciated), is like faith without work, is dead.