Jazzed Up Over Again

Going to a Jazz concert brings back memories of the once upon a very short period where I used to frequent this place - Jazz@Southbridge. A quick google tells me that this place is still up and running. Contemplating perhaps I should visit it again one day. But got to wait for next pay day at least. Now indoors are smoke free, it'll be more enjoyable. The music there's quite decent. Not sure how it's like now, though.

Anyway, back to the free Jazz Concert I just went for at Singapore Conference Hall with Cat, Fay, Sheena, Celine and Hon Choo. The featured was a 5-piece band: Lead/Acoustic Guitarist - Isao Miyoshi (Jap), Double Bass/Bass Guitar - Shigeki Ippon (Jap), Drums - Hiroyuki Noritake (Jap), Piano/Keyboard - Tay Cher Siang (M'sian), and Sax - Koh Mr Saxman (Thai). They're named "Unit Asia". According to the programme, the band was formed especially for this project initiated by the 3 Japs, joined by the other 2. Except for one song, the rest of the repertoire were original composition by the various members.

Overall, it was entertaining. Strangely, I've mixed feeling after watching the concert which I would need some time to process. Hmmm...


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