
My car battery went flat on Friday cuz I forgot to turn off the headlights in the was on because of a dim rainy morning in case you're asking. Thank God help was quite readily available.

Then I went shopping at Giant yesterday evening and tripped over a parking brick at the car park when I was transferring the last item from the trolley to the passenger seat. The trip turned into a fall and so there's a bit of abrasion on both knees. The fall happened so fast I can't even remember how I bruised my left cheek and left arm.

So I sprained my right foot and I'm now house-ridden (AGAIN!) moving around in my swivel chair. House-visited by the sinseh a couple of hours ago so now my foot is all wrapped up. I'm surprised how I managed to lug my bag, laptop and the perishables up to my house.,,which is not on lift-landing, by the way. And there were a few occasions on the way home that I had to use my left foot to help step on the brakes.

Hope I can at least limp on Tuesday so I can get to work still. Hmm...should I rent a wheel chair? I mean, campus is not exactly very small and there is Band's publicity event that day. The following would be the performance day so hopefully it would not cause too much disruption to what needs to be done.

Really can't afford to be out of action this week. Cuz one of my colleagues in the arts division is on leave overseas so if I'm on MC/leave, my poor SH's gonna be very much inconvenienced. She already has SOOO much to do in her own plate. Man, are we all overworked...

And unless a miracle happen overnight, I'm also gonna miss Farmily Day tomorrow with the Worship Ministry. It's such an irony that I actually went Giant partly to get some stuff to make lunch for tomorrow's outing. Boo hoo...Didn't even go Church today, and I was supposed to be Choir-ing this week.

Oh well...guess in a good way I'm forced to rest my other foot. Has been getting a little bit sore the past few days thanks to the lousy insole I got from CGH. foot!


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