Sleepy Thoughts

My insomnia is back again.

Was in school till past midnight as I needed to use my office PC to do some online course due end of the month. At the last stretch of 75% mark I couldn't take it already. My heavy eyelids were making it counter productive so I decided to head home. A couple more nights for me to finish this and another module. I find the subject rather interesting amidst my tiredness.

Leadership Without Authority - kinda challenges people to take up leadership position in attitude and action without having authority formally bestowed upon them. Sadly, it reminded me of people who had been officially appointed but not fulfilling their duties. Chest-pounding, blood-vomitting experience. Yet, reviewing the status is easier said than done.

But funny how I'm reminded from the module that having integrity would demand that we do what is right, even though it might be unpleasant to have to cut people off. Is there no other way? Yet, it can't be avoided, in the name of fairness, righteousness. But may I ask - what about mercy? Even the Bible says, "mercy triumph over judgment". Then again, judgment should begin in the house.

I was limping down to the carpark in the afternoon when I crossed path with a student I sacked from one of my arts group. I said, "Hi, XXX!" but it was not met with the tiniest enthusiasm. In fact, he didn't even bother looking my direction when he responded under his breath. I wasn't offended, but I admit I sighed in my heart, an effect which I'm still feeling now as I recall the incident.

Well, I guess I can't expect him to treat me any better, can I? He may still be sore about it even though he didn't show he cared a hoot about his former position when I spoke to him on his dismissal. Can I say that it wasn't anything personal that he was sacked? How could it not be personal? I must say I'm a little confused at the phrase, "don't take it personally". Sometimes I don't know how I should feel.

There seems to be a prevalent lack of respect for authority nowadays. That's what got me interested in that online course as mentioned above.

There are some by whom my heart can't help being stirred up to love. Looking at them just makes me smile inside, and I'm not even trying to be a good, loving Christian, if you know what I mean. There are times I just feel like putting my arms around them, give them a hug, or just look at them and smile. They made loving and going that extra mile easy. These are the ones that pushes me onwards when dealing with the others gets difficult - the ones who don't respond, who need to be tackled objectively by the system to discipline and control...something I utterly dread, but can't avoid.

*Yawn*...I'm feeling a bit sleepy already. Better go sleep before the slumber spell fades off...

PS: I'm able to walk without my mother's walking stick cum umbrella. Thanks for all the prayers.


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