Oh, Happy Day!

Happy Children's Day
Happy Birthday to my eldest sister
Selamat Hari Raya
...and all the best to TP Band performing for Istana Open House later in the afternoon!

It's going to be a happy day, I suppose, though I'm neither celebrating any of the above except having to work on a public holiday. No, no, no...I'm not complaining. I know it's going to be a fun day doing stuff with the big kids. The first-time opportunity is something worth celebrating. But it's still a fact that I'm working on a public holiday, as much as it is a fact that it's a day I'm looking forward to :)

So I find myself waking up early in the morning, anxious to pray and ask Abba Father to do something that only He can do... grant favour for a cooling but no-rain afternoon. Need much faith, seeing the previous few day's weather is nothing assuring. And for smooth traffic on the way, everything pretty, pretty... Me and the band have done what we can to prepare for the performance. So we are TOTALLY dependent on Him now. Looking back, all our outdoor performances, except for one Open House where we really saw members dashing with their instruments, have somehow been sheltered at the right time, e.g. bird park, christmases. Members (and Mr Tan) have endured drizzles as far as there was no threat to the instruments. So proud of them lah. God has been good, and I'm utterly grateful.

Oh yes, not forgetting... going for Andrew's wedding dinner after Istana. Supposed to go for the Church wedding at 11am. So sad that I couldn't make it cos I did tell him I would... until I received the invitation for the band to perform. It was a dilemma, no doubt. So, he invited me to dinner instead. It would be kinda rush cos we're scheduled to only return to school, but at least I could still be a part of this important day for my brother.

Last night we had our 2nd worship vocalist training. Did some practicals on stage. We went up by our teams while the rest commented and gave pointers. We ALL agreed we need to do more exercise to improve our stamina. But it's not how high you can jump, how well you can dance (of course gotta be careful not to look awkward and attract unnecessary attention lah), but it's a lot about us taking up our position as worshippers leading the congregation. Be contagious outwardly from a true heart of worship founded on an intimate relationship with the One we worship - Jesus Christ.

After that we went for fellowship at one of those Hong Kong cafes across the road. These cafes are springing up everywhere, serving almost the same things. The desserts' not bad, though. But some of think that the one further up the road is still better.

More updates tonight, perhaps! :D

You Are My Sunshine - Elizabeth Mitchell

PS: I've removed the 'autoplay' feature for my site music. Enough of my voice already...


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