I'm Gonna Miss You

What am I going to do when you are away to a faraway land? I'm so used to going places with you. Ever since you came into my life, I've spent some of my most personal and private moments with you. Yet, I can't bring myself to keep you to myself, or I would be accused of being selfish again.

But, but, but...you're mine! Oh Matrix! *sobs*

Sigh, nearly my whole family is going to Kota Tinggi without me. I was scheduled for Sunday duty this weekend, but who knows the structural change would take effect so soon. So I'm not on this week...but I've then committed myself to attending my friends' wedding dinner. Haiyah...bad timing... But good luck to them with the petrol consumption. Matrix drinks petrol like water.

Here's where they're going... http://www.kota-rainforest.com.my/

Tomorrow I will have to part with Matrix for 3 whole days, thanks to the long weekend, and I'd have to make do with my brother-in-law's manual-transmission Fiat Doblo, aka van. I wonder how many times I will stall on the way to my destinations this weekend. Look out, motorists!


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