Here But Not Here

I think my season of waiting has changed in its direction. A certain season of waiting has taught me what it is to be waiting actively.

I heard someone illustrating that waiting on the Lord is like waiting for a bus at the bus stop. You know it's coming, but you don't know at which precise moment it would come. Of course now with the IRIS technology you could actually anticipate the arrival of your bus to the precise minute, but you get the drift... So, you wait. And you can do whatever you want as you wait - listen to your mp3, read a book, chat with a friend. But you're actively waiting and constantly looking out for your bus to come.

But I think I've been waiting for the wrong bus that's taking me to the wrong place. Or perhaps it is more appropriate to say that I'm already on that bus, but I just realised that it's the wrong one. Now I'm alighting to change to another to take me to where I'm supposed to go. That's the grace of God. For He allowed me to take the wrong bus, learnt my lesson by opening my eyes to see the 'sceneries' that the first bus has taken me. Now that I've learnt my lesson, His grace tells me that there's the right bus intercepting the next stop I am to alight.

I love Your grace, Abba Father. Thank You for sending the right bus and Your strength to get me out of the wrong bus.


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