Busy Long Weekend

"Hey! Good news! I manage to loan car for leng...from friend who will be away for wks. Sori to have imposed on you knowing your concern about Pam and David's reaction but thanks for still agreeing to swap despite that."

Woohoo! So Matrix stays with me this long weekend! Happiness!

Well, my schedule's going to be quite packed so thank God I don't have to be a road hazard to the Singapore motorists behind the wheels of a manual van (although I did initially think of getting a Kangoo before). It's wedding on Saturday afternoon and dinner in the evening. Would probably stay out the whole day. Maybe go catch a movie or something. See how. Or go some place quiet, read a book, and scribble down some notes on my OPPC. The eNotebook version of OPC (Off-Peak Car), haha...

Sunday's service, prison visit, and Worship Ministry Bowling session. So many places to go!

Monday...still not decided. Maybe getting some jamming studio accessories. See how, see how...


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