God Was There

My Abba Father was there with me, alright, when I was alone with Matrix that Thursday afternoon. I wrote down in my journal that day, and as I scribbled, I came to the realisation then that He is such a gracious God. He didn't turn me away just because my first instinct was not to run to Him. He was not offended.

Abba was there even before I knew that I needed Him and was gracious to listen and answer my cry for comfort and strength. And I knew it because He made His presence known. I was able to talk to the source of my frustration openly and honestly the next day without any grudge.

I've learnt before that day that I can't expect my actions to change others. Many times, it is necessary to humble myself to even see that it is my attitude and mindset that need twigging. Be it to the other person, the situation, but ultimately, it's God I'm facing. It doesn't matter even if it seems that I'm losing out by 'giving in'. In God's eyes, as far as this daughter is concern, my character is what matters to Him.

No, I didn't lose a loved one or a pet. But I did lose something precious to me that afternoon - my temper...

Thoughts on the side... I find emotional blackmailing a despicable act. And it's ridiculous how frequently it's being used. Sometimes without even realising it, we try to get what we want this way with the words we say (or don't say), the expressions on our face, our body language. Gotta be careful not to cross that line.

She held back her veto power, understanding the adamant position of the majority to minimize possible precarious situations in the long run.



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