A Somewhat Happening Sunday

Drove a long way to CPC yesterday after lunch with cell group. Haven't been able to visit for quite a while. Think it was probably the 2nd or 3rd time since I started driving. It's either I forgot to bring my pass or there were some personal/work/worship ministry matters to attend to. And many times, our week was cancelled by the prison authorities. Anyway, I've resorted to keeping my pass in the car. We were given instruction previously that it was going to be on Sat morning instead. So now that it's back to Sunday afternoon, I can mark down all the scheduled 1st and 3rd Sundays in my schedule again.

Can't blog about our exchanges with the boys. I can only say that it was quiet, as usual. Did an impromptu sing-along session. I won't call it Praise & Worship cos I seldom find myself engaged in that way, especially not when I'm struggling on the mis-tuned guitar. Couldn't play using those chords written on the song file so had to play every song in a different key. The guitar was tuned too high so the strings were tighter than usual. Made quite a few mistakes, but just laugh it off lah. Next time must bring my own, properly-tuned guitar and bring a capo. Better start practising again, if not will get cramp. Haha...

After we got out, Mike asked if I wanted to buy over his P1i. It's only a month old. He's willing to part at a reasonable price. There's a slight mark on one of the corner. My main concern is that the keys are in QWERTY format. So used to thumb-messaging on my number pads. Might be quite frustrating to spend the money and find it less effective than my current one. See how ba...

After CPC chapel, I drove straight to the newly renovated Kallang Leisure Park. It was Worship Ministry Bowling at Kallang Bowl. It was kinda like a celebration event. There was even a small spread of food for the munchies. Almost the whole ministry was there on 4 lanes. Can imagine how long we had to wait for our turn. For the whole 2 hours, we only managed to finish one game! Haha! For the serious players, of course no kick lah. But for those who went more for the fellowship, it was quite fun in a relaxing way. Outing with the gang is never boring. And you can count on them for some real, decent fun.

As for Kallang Leisure Park. It's big and spacious. Definitely a new look. There's even a Korean shop which my good friend went ga-ga over. I bought some edibles to try out. Fermented oyster sauce, radish kimchi, clam soup flavouring and some really nice biscuits recommended by my friend. The basement carpark is quite small for a shopping mall but it's well-compensated by the open-air URA carpark right outside the building. A bit confusing for a first-timer driving around the area in the dark, cos the roads in the carpark and around it are mostly one-way.

So it's public holiday today. No plans but I'm happy just staying at home. Probably pick up my book where I left off. I should say 'books'. I read too slowly for all the good books I come across. So many books, so little time...can't keep up! Haha...

I'm quite impressed with blogpatrol. Some time ago, I gave a feedback to suggest adding the date when an account holder actually subscribed to them to place a counter on their blog. I asked for it because, some people, like me, might have started blogging way before they had the counter. Then in their next upgrade, which they did a few weeks ago, they actually added the field "Created on:". Isn't that cool? It probably ain't something difficult for them, but it made me a happy subscriber :)


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