Love's Lost Refrain

Love is patient.
After going through what I've been experiencing, I'm again amazed at how patient God has been with me and His people. His love is indeed unchanging and neverending. I need to draw from the source of it daily.

Love is kind.
I've learnt that kindness should not come with expectation that it would be reciprocated. Not so much to protect myself from hurt but because showing kindness with such an expectation becomes self-seeking. I've also learnt that not all kindness can be appreciated, and it's ok. Press in because at least I bring pleasure to my Abba Father. That would suffice.

Love does not envy.
There's really nothing to be envious about when we learn to love what God commands and desire what he promises. God has a different destiny for everyone individually and we are not to covet that which is not our portion.

Love does not boast. Love is not proud.
Sometimes we can try so hard not to boast but it becomes so obvious that we are doing just that. I've learnt that humility is not thinking less of myself because how little can I be if I'm a child of God? But humility is thinking of myself less. The world just doesn't revolve around anybody. It has been a humbling experience.

Love is not rude.
I've learnt that rudeness doesn't have to beget rudeness. Love makes it easy. Unfortunately, respect sometimes doesn't beget the same, too.

Love is not self-seeking.
I've learnt what it means that God is the one who gives the increase. I may not see the results of it as the one sowing the seed or watering the plant. But it's ok.

Love is not easily angered.
I've learnt that by focusing on God and His goodness, forebearance and longsuffering is possible.

Love keeps no record of wrong.
How can we keep scores when God is not even keeping count of my wrongs towards Him. I will choose to forgive and a smile is all I need to forget. May Your countenance shine upon me.

Love does not delight in evil.
And it makes overcoming evil with good a definite possibility. Sometimes it hurts to do it right because it involves letting go. But God says that vengence is His. So do not fall into the trap even when provoked to do evil.

Love rejoices in the truth.
Hurting from the truth is better then living blissfully with a lie. Truth is liberating.

Love always protects.
Protective vs possessive, love is definitely about letting go, yet looking out for the other without having to be apparent.

Love always trusts.
Even if you're not trusted. Walk by faith, not by sight. The Sovereign God has it all in control.

Love always hopes.
Hope beyond hope.

Love always perseveres.
In my Abba Father I find strength. He keeps my tears in a bottle and He heals my wounds.

Love never fails.
So far so good...I'm still not seeing it yet, but into His hands I commit and surrender. Even the questions in my heart, the unanswered ones with all the yearnings. It's not mine to grasp.

The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell. - C S Lewis

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