How To Do The Doodoodoo?

Apparently, I still CMI. Sigh... But truly, I appreciate the honest feedback from a reliable source. Can always trust this one for non-sugar-coated comments. I can deal with it...

Yet having said that, 5 months already...what is wrong??!!! How to listen to another player and improve just by hearing? Can one actually listen to a professional player on the CD and pick out the tone and articulation of his playing? Hmm...I guess it's possible...just that I'm not there yet. So don't know what to pick out.

I know that in singing, sometimes it's difficult too, but I see the possibility and there are certain aspects I can draw from. Though sometimes, when people ask me if I can tell the difference between the sound I produce before and after I applied some imaginery technique, I honestly can't tell the difference. Usually I just sing what sounds good to my ears.

Cham le lah...less than 2 weeks only. The clock is mercilessly ticking away. No time le...I'll just do my best lah. You sure it's not the reed? How now, Brown Cow!?


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