Ever Been Never Misunderstood?

Misunderstanding is prevalent. It is probably unreasonable to assume that if you can express yourself clearly, you would be understood by all. As simple as I think life can be, human beings are hardly that simple. We come from all over, we have difference in background, unbringing, education, beliefs, values and experiences. Every second of our lives, everything and every person we get into contact with plays a part in molding who we are. So, just like our thumb prints, not one person is exactly the same. Even in the field of psychological research, nothing can be proven. Nothing can be 100% sure. Cause and effect studies can only be measured by degree of probability.

It would make life less ambiguous if we become transparent in our thoughts, emotions and intentions. But unfortunately, everybody has secrets, things we would rather conceal sometimes for reasons unknown. To add to the complications, sometimes we don't even know our own intentions. I find that to be true many times of my own.

In the Bible, God said in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart (intentions) is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"

The way we express ourselves to another person is often distorted in the name of diplomacy and pride, mismatched expectations and, basically, everything within us. Hence, it is a good idea to ask God to search our hearts, and to reveal to us our deepest desires and intentions. If we can be truly honest with ourselves, God's revelation would be something to lay hold of rather than a dread. In fact, we can be sure that God would do as we ask if we desire that revelation.

In the following verse, God continued, saying, "I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings."

These 2 verses place hope in me. It is a relief to know that when I talk to God, my Abba Father, I won't have to be too concern about having to tell Him where I'm coming from. He knows everything, and that saves all the complications and misunderstandings to absolute ZERO. If there are any perceived confusion, it is because I'm still trying to figure things out myself and I can count on God that He would patiently help me to clear UP my head and settle DOWN my heart. Many times I find myself answering my own questions when I tell God my problems. I believe it is Him responding to me in the spirit.

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