I'm A "Book Keeper"

This morning I finished the book which I've been reading for more than a month - "Passion And Purity" by Elisabeth Elliot. Such a sense of achievement. I think I could probably count on with both my hands the number of books I've completed in my lifetime, except for the textbooks that...eh? wait... hmmm... still within both hands. And this one is even more rare cos I find myself wanting to get back to it whenever I find a chance. And I know the lessons learnt in the book will take me through a lifetime of relationships of all sorts. Believe it or not, this book was given to me on my birthday a decade ago. It took me a 2-week MC and a crisis to dig it out again and it benefitted me beyond my need. God really has His way of getting His message across to His children :)

Well, I have this bad habit of buying a book (or anything) at the spur of the moment, either (just) because it's the topic of interest at that point of my life, or that and plus it has a nice cover. Nowadays, all the books have nice and fancy cover, so...that explains all the unread books on my shelves. But the bigger problem is, I don't finish one before I buy/start another. So the effect kinda been snowballing. Fortunately, by the sure mercies and grace of God, I think I've been somewhat delivered from this compulsive behaviour, thank God! Just need to constantly remind myself that I DO NOT have to possess everything I set my eyes on! Shoo! Lust of the eyes! Leave it in the shop and trust that if I really need it down the road, God will provide, and it would be a better one.

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